dimanche 26 avril 2015

Un petit tirage printanier / A little spring giveaway

Bonjour Mesdames!

J'ai le goût de vous gâter un peu ;-)

Hello Ladies!

I feel like treating you ;-)

Bonne chance à toutes!
Good luck everyone!

19 commentaires:

FoliesCreatives a dit…

Super tirage! Tout à fait parfait pour l'arrivé du printemps
Voila le lien : https://www.facebook.com/356984617771263/photos/a.368600359943022.1073741838.356984617771263/618911658245223/?type=1&theater

AsokaScrapper a dit…

C'est fait! Merci pour ce beau tirage!

Laura a dit…

I have shared here: http://beadsbuttonsandbirds.blogspot.co.uk/2015/04/just-little-giveaway-post.html

KT Fit Kitty a dit…

Thank you for your giveaway! I am your newest follower here on your blog (Fit Kitty) and facebook (Kitty FitKitty). I added your giveaway to my sidebar. Here is a link: http://ktdesigns2013.blogspot.ca/

I would be grateful if you would come over and follow me too.

dstandard a dit…

What an exciting giveaway! I'll be following you here and on facebook too!I'll post your giveaway to my blog: http://debbiestandard.blogspot.com/2015/05/look-giveaway.html

Unknown a dit…

Coucou, voilà je me suis inscrite sur ton blog et sur ta page facebook. J'ai partagé ton info sur mon blog : http://bisounourslovesscrap.blogspot.fr/2015/05/vous-aimez-les-cadeaux.html

Et maintenant, je croise les doigts.

Au fait, tes deux pages pour le tournoi de Lime citron sont superbes. Cela ne m'étonne pas que tu ais été dans les pages coup de coeur de la DT.

Robin a dit…

Thanks for a fantastic candy offer! I've added you to my sidebar and here is my blog address: http://robins-reflections.blogspot.com/ Thanks so much for the chance to win! Hugs, Robin

Rebecca/Sydney's Sentiments a dit…

I love Geletos! Thanks for offering them as some candy! I've added you to my sidebar and here is my blog address:

psycocci a dit…

je me suis inscrite à la news du blog et à ta page FB.
info relayée
ici : https://www.facebook.com/pauline.avril.52
et là : http://cocci-instit.over-blog.com/2015/05/un-petit-tirage-au-sort-chez-violette.html


psycocci a dit…

un grand bravo pour tes pages dans le tournoi... tu fais de pures merveilles !

famillemarleau a dit…

J'adore ce que tu fais. Tes pages sont très belles. J'ai partagé sur Facebook www.facebook.com/johanne.lacombe.16. Merci. Johanne Lacombe

samantha wade a dit…

Oh what a fab blog, lovely projects.
Just starting to use gelatos, these would be great to get be going, thanks for the chance to win.
Please visit my blog at http://craftroomdelight.blogspot.co.uk.

Giorgia Rossini a dit…

done, thank you!

KT Fit Kitty a dit…

Hello there! Just wondering if this giveaway is still going on? I still have it on my blog sidebar. Maybe you already awarded it, and I missed it? I haven't been around for a couple months, but I'm back now. Thanks!

Cindy Fortin a dit…

Hi KT! Thanks for reminding me of this giveaway. I honestly didn't realized I started it 1 year ago!
No, you didn't miss anything ;-) Actually, I'm thinking of making the draw despite I haven't reach the 100 followers on my blog... With all the new social media, blogs aren't what they were a few years ago anymore. Anyway, my FB page is now way over 100 followers (almost 250 actually!) so it should offset LOL

KT Fit Kitty a dit…

Okay, sounds great! I will wait for your announcement - thanks so much!

Sidelle Menon a dit…

Hey Violette! Just stumbled upon your blog! Your blog is so colorful! Love the bright colors on the blog template as well as in your projects! I've added the pic to my sidebar, followed you and liked your page on facebook too! Would love to win this bright summer kit! Cheers and lots of love from India!

KT Fit Kitty a dit…

Hello, Cindy! I'm cleaning up old candy from my blog again and I'm wondering if this has been awarded yet? I looked over on your FB page but didn't see an announcement over there either. Would love to win your Gelatos! Thanks so much!

KT Fit Kitty a dit…

Okay, I guess I missed it! Congratulations to the lucky winner and best wishes to you, Cindy! I will delete your candy badge from my blog now.